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Research Resources

Google is NOT the place to go for school research! Use our research databases located here. All the articles from databases are written by experts, AND they will include a full MLA citation!

You can access these resources 24/7 from home or school!

Students: email your teacher or for any passwords needed.

Online Databases

From school, no login required.
From home, email your teacher or for login and password.




Even more online databases available from PPLD with your PowerPass!

Students, login with your Short Network ID and your 4-digit birthday Login HelpTeachers, you will need to use your personal or Educator PPLD card and Pin.

Visit PPLD's Homework Help Guide and look for the database names below that are great for middle school research. (Or, this link will take you to an alphabetical list of ALL PPLD databases.)

Look for these database names and then search your topic there. After you are logged in with your PowerPass, these buttons should take you to the database. If not, use the link to the list of all PPLD databases above.


Gale eBook History Collection     







Explora secondary






PPLD database

Great Research Sites

Library of Congress great for primary sources! Explore both sides of an issue in one place!

Video Resources

D11 login




Log in with your PPLD Power Pass and then create a login with your D11 email. 

Tutoring Help

Free! Log in with D11 email.

For BrainFuse and Mango, log in with your PPLD PowerPass!

Learn a new Language! Choose from 70 languages, including English as a Second Language (ESL)