eBooks & eAudio
eBook and eAudio Collections
Why eBooks?
- FREE! Free Access, Free Apps. Free bonus library account!
- Mobile--take anywhere
- You can read offline--no data charges
- No heavy books to lug around
- No Overdues
- No worry about damage
- No lost books
- Available in many languages
- When your checkout time is up, the access rights just disappear automatically
- You can renew, unless there is a hold on the title
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week--our eLibrary never closes!
Sora Tutorials
To find and download eBooks and eAudio books from our North Middle School library, search in Destiny Discover or in Sora.
To find and download eBooks and eAudio books from the Public Library, use your PPLD PowerPass and the Sora App
More detailed information and log on help can be found on the Library & Tech Center Homepage
Free Apps for phones and tablets are available for Destiny Discover and Sora!