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About Us

North Logo 2018


Built in 1924, North Middle School has a tradition of excellence in the classroom that continues through the combined efforts of students, parents, staff and community members.

A wide variety of programs allows North to reach out to a diverse population and create an atmosphere at every level where students prepare for today and the future, building self-esteem, responsibility, academic and practical skills, mutual respect, creativity, physical and personal growth and a love for learning. As an IB World School, students also give back to their community through Service Learning  projects.


As District 11's all-school International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme site, we currently house over 650 students in grades 6, 7, and 8.  Hallmarks of the IBMYP are an emphasis on a wider, global perspective through education and service learning, and a teaching structure placing the student at the center of a cohesive, cross-curricular teaching model.  With all classes enriched through programs such as AVID, ELL classes, Honors classes, GT offerings and a variety of Special Education options, North is able to serve a diverse population.  In addition to academic classes, North also offers Art, Band, Drama, World Language Acquisition (Chinese, French, and Spanish), Orchestra, PE and Technology classes.  Before and after school activities include opportunities such as MESA, Forensics, Outdoor Adventures, Writing Club, and a variety of intramural sports.  Through District 11's formal middle school sports program we also support Track, Wrestling, Basketball, Football and Volleyball.

Our school mission statement guides us as we learn, teach, and go about "developing the whole child."  It means we will be challenging students to think creatively, to problem-solve, to seek knowledge, and to put for an effort that is above and beyond what they are used to.  It means that we expect students to do whatever it takes to succeed.  We invite you to visit North Middle School!

North Middle School Location:
612 East Yampa St.
Colorado Springs, CO  80903
Google Map Our Location
(719) 328-2400 - Main Number
(719) 328-2435 - Attendance Messages
(719) 328-2420 - Data Processor/Counseling
(719) 328-2412 - Enrollment
(719) 448-0268 - School FAX Line
IB World School